
Grade 80 Lifting

verope logoGrade 100 Lifting

Chain Lifting Slings

Use of Chain Slings

  • Keep a register of all slings in use.
  • Never lift with a twisted chain.
  • Chain slings should be shortened with a shortening hook, never by knotting.
  • Protect the chain against sharp edges by proper padding.
  • Never point load a hook – the load should always seat correctly in the bowl of the hook.
  • Always use the correct size sling for the load, allowing for the included angle and possibility of unequal loading.
  • The master link should always be able to move freely on the crane hook.
  • Avoid shock loading at all times.

 Maintenance of Chain Slings

  • Chains should be inspected prior to use.
  • Periodic thorough examination must be carried out at least every 12 months or more frequently according to statutory regulations, type, and frequency of use.
  • Chains with bent links or with cracks or gouges in the links should be replaced, as should deformed components such as bent master links, opened up hooks and any fitting showing signs of damage.